> Upgrade your style NOW: How to care for and clean your shoes

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How to care for and clean your shoes

How to care for and clean shoes

It is extremely vital to clean and care for your shoes. This is because it shows that you care about your looks and makes your colors and outfit stand out. There are different methods for different shoes that I will soon explain. Beforehand, lets distinguish the different materials that make up shoes to help you out below.
  • Suede ( Polo's, dress up shoes)
  • Leather ( Air Force 1's, some Jordan's, Polo's)
  • Mesh ( Roche's, Jordan Eclipse, etc)
  • Athletic ( Cleats, Basketball shoes)                                

               How to clean Suede shoes. The best way to clean suede shoes is with a towel or rag, and water. In some cases you can use normal hand soap if the shoe is very dirty. Leather shoes are probably the most difficult type of shoes to clean, this is because of the materials you need. For a proper cleaning, it is recommended that you use or purchase a leather cleaner liquid. Simply apply this to a rag and wipe the shoe clean.                                                                                                                                                                          Mesh shoes, to clean these you can use a damp towel to roughly rub the mesh clean. Do not soak the towel or the water will leak inside the shoe and destroy it. For parts of the shoe that aren't mesh, use soapy water to rub onto the material, and wait 5 minutes. Then wipe the soap off with a wet towel. Lastly, for athletic shoes. these shoes are quite easy to clean for me personally. You can use virtually anything from water, hand soap, special shoe cleaner liquids, and so much more. you can vigorously wipe entire shoe down, let it sit for 5 minutes and wash it off. After I clean my shoes I prefer to use shoe refreshing spray, and waterproofing spray as well. These are just extra measures to enhancing my shoes lifespan and cleanliness.

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